100 Blogs!
Some may say that this isn’t my 100th post, I have in the past posed while drunk and later on removed my posts, re written them removing and adding content as I saw fit :-p (But I know deep down that only I am looking that closely)
Anyhoo, the beginnings, This blog all started so I could comment on a friends blog when he took me for a drive in his new car (He later on sold the car). Before that time not very many people knew me as Ne-Wo, only those in my family knew me as Ne-Wo after I discovered my name backwards was Ne-Wo and announced at a glum time to pick up the mood in the room.
So there sat my blog, dormant and unused, neglected. And then along came a friend of a friend, Catalienne, who pestered me to blog, so I did, and in blogging managed to befriend cat by the most unusual ways. The friendship never went past talking on messenger and catching up a couple of times in real person.
However cat has left her mark on this blog and this blogger. She did, somewhat, encourage my parting line “Cheerio” which has almost become my “trademark”, both on this blog and in person.
This blog has mainly served my close friends over gaining attention of strangers. However it has had it’s fair share of strangers, googlers. People have googled it for all sorts of things. Some of the search terms have included:
- Jeans (Questionable intentions behind people going to my blog from that search
term) - Grate Dane (my Dog)
- Quizmania, (A new one, but allot of people Google it, they mostly despise it like me)
- Subway cookies, (by the way I still cannot make subway cookies at home)
- Places I have been too with and to meet friends (Mount Gambier, Grampians, Port Pirie)
- And a whole heaps of other ones.
Now, I know blogs are meant to be free, however this blog has encouraged me to spend a little. I have bought a digital camera to capture my life both for my blog and for keepsake purposes, and have got my own internet domain Ne-Wo.com (I seriously wonder allot of the time if it is really worth having. But hey It does not cost much, and there is no way I cannot let it go now)
Anyhoo, A big thank you must go to people who have visited my blog, and those who have commented, Since I really only know those who have commented, I will limit my naming to them.
- Reverend Timothy
- Catalienne
- Emma
- Kaufman
- Khun
- Girlfrommars
- Bilby
- Bob
- Honeysmack
- Lauren
- Steph
- Nick
- Jeut
I really don’t know, I have just done it I guess. I have had no real intentions on aims when I write my little recaps of my life, basically it is a means by which I express myself. However my blog is a somewhat filtered version of my life. At various times I have questioned myself to as why I do blog.
Is there any vale in it? Should I continue considering my low number of visitors? Am I just exposing myself to the world and one day this will all come back to bit me? Am I happy about people I know reading this blog? Should this blog be totally anonymous?
All I have not really sat down and made a decision, to blog or not to blog, these questions have filled my head a couple of times.
Where to from here? Well only time will tell I guess.
At 10:18 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hey Owen,
Congrats on the 100 Blogs!!
That is a fair effort and I still remember that first time... ;)
PS I'm stoked to have my name listed on the Blog!!
From Emma!
PPS Hopefully you did mean me Moonta Emma on the list?????? ;)
At 12:14 am,
Ne-Wo said…
Thanks Emma!
Yes it was you, the moonta emma, who was mentioned on my blog. If I recall corectly you were talking about the town of Owen sort of up near your way. I'm famous tooo :-P
Thanks for being a regular reader :-)
At 12:30 pm,
Ms Smack said…
hey congratulations! 100 blogs is no mean feat! Well done!
At 3:14 pm,
Ne-Wo said…
Thanks Honeysmack. I’m happy I have got to 100, I have slowed down allot recently. Hopefully I will continue on for another 100.
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