18 October 2005

Why Am I

Meh, Life is crap at the moment… Oh well, I don’t feel like explaining it all at the moment, but rather the consequences.

Overall, Lately, I just feel like I have no purpose in life, no passion to pursue. I feel empty, confused and sad.

Without a purpose or passion, I feal worthless, If someone told me I had cancer and were destine to die, I would pretty much accept the fate without sadness, why be sad if were to essentially loose nothing?

I am just so lost at the moment, I’m full of thoughts, without direction, without passion, I just cannot see any nice path for my life to go in. My life at the moment is OK on the surface, but that is just a façade, one I’ve been carrying for a long time…. Where to now??? I doubt that I will go forward, I don’t possess the skills to do that. Thinking, I have brought this demise on by myself…



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