16 December 2004

Nothing special, As usual.

Over the last couple of days I have been having fun with trying to organise my new program enrolment. I have been phoning and e-mailing many people.

One issue I have had is my ability to obtain a full time enrolment. I am going to enrol in both postgraduate and undergraduate courses next year and the university is changing it's methods for labelling semesters and terms. The university decided it would be a good idea to change from the 130 ish time periods the university currently has to 7. This has caused me a couple of problems, what’s more no one knows what is happening. After trying to find out how this change would affect my enrolment the people at my uni decided that I should rely on their common scene (and not strict rules that they do know) to determine if I am a full time student. So hopefully when they determine my full time status I will be dealing with someone that is not having a bad day.

Fortunately I have not had the problems that my uni friends have had. They have ended up with a $1500 debt to the uni because they never knew they had to fill out some form to defer their fee payment. Note the university sent them the bill on the last day in which they could apply to defer and since they were all working that day no one read the bill until the afternoon when the uni was closed.

Another problem I have encountered is that I might not be able to graduate next year. The university believe I will have to wait a year or pay the full fees next year.

Anyway, last night I went to heaven. It was ok, there were a couple of disappointments. The main toilets were "being cleaned" all night, so that made the night painful. Next disappointment was the fact that Cat, who had hinted that she may be able to make it there, never turned up, oh well :P The third disappointment was the guest of the night, Riki from Australian idol, turned up very late and once there she did not do much (in terms of meeting people, performing etc). However that said it was still good, the place was packed, there was a good vibe and all the people I usually hang around with were there.

On a final note I have not studied at all for my MCP exam, however I received a e-mail from Microsoft (as I am a Microsoft partner) stating that the exam costs have dropped from $245 to $180 :-D I’m calling that progress!!

Anyhoo, cheerio.


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