03 January 2005

Christmass Break

Hey, I have not bloged for quite a while, sorry.. Ok here it goes

Christmas was quite fun and disappointing at the same time. I have just realised Christmas is ALL ABOUT KIDS!!! As per my recent experiences, I did not feel into the Christmas spirit much this time around, however this “low” ended when I went to my cousin’s place for a family lunch on Christmas day.

My cousin’s one and a half year old son made the day for me!! I found him to be so cool, he is really well behaved and at the same time very sociable (he even clinks glasses when you say cheers). What amazed me was when we went to open presents, it became his role to hand out the presents to the dozen or so people there (He just gave presents to the people who waved at him, and yes that does mean he was stumped when he was given his own present). After experiencing my cousin’s son and how he was happy, I regained my like for Christmas.

A couple of days later I went down to the beach at Goolwa to go body boarding with Tim, Dave, Edward and Kara. This was quite fun, I made full use of my dads work car and drove Tim, David and myself down there. Once down there we spent a couple of hours in the water, although in that time I only managed to catch one or 2 waves as I am not experienced at body boarding.

After getting out of the water I found myself to be sunburnt. The unfortunate thing is that I did put sun screen on, it was just the fact that I did not have enough on myself and I seriously missed some areas right next to areas which I seriously applied sunscreen too :P Here are the pictures (back front) if you really want to see my sunburn.

On the way back into Adelaide we made a stop off at the car wreckers to see if we could find a part for Edwards car, whilst there I found the same make / Model of car as my mum drives, so I was happy when Tim took a couple of pictures of me next to it.

New Years Eve was spent with my friends from high school. It was very nice to meet up with them once again. Unfortunately one of my friend’s car had hit a kangaroo in the country, however as he is an country ambulance paramedic and need to come down to Adelaide for work he was able to borrow an ambulance to drive down in (so I got to have a little ride :-D) New years eve was a little disorganised, we were going to go to a friends place with a spa, but he pulled out at the last minute. So in the end, at about 11 pm, we decided to go to another friend’s house with a pool (he was with us at the time, I sad we were disorganised). The pool was very nice, the water temperature was not too cool. We had a couple of drinks and enjoyed ourselves.

Unfortunately from being in the pool I managed to get a blocked ear. I suspected ear wax was the problem, so I took myself to the doctor and got my ear syringed. This provided immediate relief and entertaining event as I got to see what came out of my ear, which was allot of wax.

I think that is all for now, enjoy yourselves. Stay safe!! Cheerio


  • At 12:20 am, Blogger reverendtimothy said…

    Did you get a photo of the wax? :-0

  • At 1:09 pm, Blogger Ne-Wo said…

    ROFL, sorry no pictures.

    I did not even get the doctor to collect it in a specimen jar; I was not that desperate to show others. I tell you what, you should go to your own doctor to experience the spectacular of seeing the wax that lives in your ear.

    If you really must know I would say the doctor got a good 2 X 2 dollar coins in volume of ear wax out (but not in the shape of $2 coins :-P. It is amazing!!!

    A friendly warning though, ear syringing is known to cause Tinnitus?..

    Have fun !


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