12 January 2005

WOW, what a busy time!!!!

WOW, what a busy time!!!!

About a week ago I realised I had some money in the bank and also found something fun to buy over the internet. So I decided to transfer some money from one bank to another. This turned out to be a bad move, my money disappeared for a couple of days (Tim informed me that this is usually the case, and after a little investigation confirmed what Tim sad.). So this was a fun little scare that the bank had stolen my money.

Later on in the week I went to see the optometrist about getting some new glasses. Along with this came an eye / vision check, what I found amazing is that my vision has improved!!! The theory (of the optometrist) is that after studying for a while and looking at books up close I have had a slight tendency in my eyes towards being short sited, so this new tendency along with my long-sightedness (I’m longsighted) means I’m less longsighted, which means I have better sight, got that :P. Anyway, I picked out my new glasses and will be getting them in about a month.

On Friday my mum and I decided to return the stuff she stolen from my grandfather’s place on Christmas day (well she did not know what she was doing at the time, the stelling really involved me convincing my brother to fill my mums handbag with cups, forks etc). Anyway when we got there were some new people that we had never seen (They turned out to be family of his girlfriend). They were there as he had found their dog for them as they were on holidays and the people looking after the dog had lost it.

Anyhoo, we stayed around a bit and then decided to go home. Later on that night we got a phone call from my grandfather who was in distress. The girl who was at his house (who had medical mental issues and was of the opinion that my grandfather had stolen his dog) had cut every cable on his computer. She had really ripped into everything, she had cut both ends of his computer cables, including the power cable (which threw the circuit breaker and left a burn marks on the cutters she used) and the data cable into his monitor.

So I ran off to help, checked she had not deleted any of his files, checked she had not pored any liquids into the computer, looked up on the internet and got instructions on how to put his case back together (she had also dislodged the door / flap on the front of his computer which cover s the USB ports etc) and soldered a couple of cables back together. In the end he just had to but a couple of USB cables and a new monitor (I was not confident with playing about inside the monitor).

Yesterday I went to an orientation thingo at uni. It was sort of crap, It was not aimed at me, the air-conditioning in the building did not work so I was very hot (it was already 41 degrees). However, this sad, I did get to meet up with my friends from uni, which was fun, so I was glad I went along.

A new project I am working on at the moment is to create a website for myself, focusing one me :-P If I ever get it up I’ll link you all over to it :D

Have fun, Cheerio.


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