15 April 2005

Awards Night


On Wednesday my friends from uni graduated from their undergraduate university degree. I would have graduated yesterday alongside him, however I am doing a simular degree so the university believe I am therefore not allowed to graduate..

Enough bitching, that night I was privileged with the ability to attend the awards night for my university degree, however I did not win an award. Whilst at the awards I was in a photo with the students in my year at university.

After the awards I attended the after drinks party where I had a little too much alcohol, however everyone had heaps so I really did not really stand out as an idiot, I think…. I cannot really remember much.

One thing I do remember is that Mel, from uni, is from the area where the tribes live from the movie the gods must be crazy. Apparently he can speak their language, I think it is !kang, well I refer to it as the “clickey clock language” as they communicate by making clicking sounds. His parents are also from Alexandria, the townsip from the power of one.



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