25 January 2006



Well, my family now have a puppy! My parents have been on planing on getting a puppy for a while now. I feel a little sad getting a new dog after my old dog died, but I guess I have to move on.

The puppy, Jackson, is a Grate Dane puppy, so although it is just above my lap when I sit down, it will soon grow up tall enough to put it’s front paws on my shoulders when I stand. (Not my choice of dog size, but it will all be good I guess) I’m thinking of having some progress shots of it size as it grows up against me :-P

It has been a little scared, it has lost it’s brothers and sisters which it has spent it’s complete life with, however it has me to torture it :-P Just kidding. However I have only been home for a small amount of time and it has spent most of its time sleeping :-| But what I have seen of him, he has been pretty good, nice to play with. He has a tendency to walk on an angle everywhere instead of walking strait ahead. Crazy!

I think I'm going to sleep as well, so tired.

But photos of the dog live here if you are interested. I'll write more when the dog and myself are less tired..



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