WOW, I have had soo much fun over the past couple of days.
OK, I went on a trip to Mount Gambier, South Australia (the place with the
blue lake). A friend of mine from high school, Adrian, had recently graduated as a police officer and has started working at Mount Gambier. So along with a couple of my friends (from both Adelaide and
Port Pirrie) we set off for a drive to Adrian’s place.
I was able to use my dads work car, so we had a reliable ride, with free fuel.
Once we got to Adrian’s place we set about setting up to sleep. Unfortunately we decided that it would bee a good idea to blow up our air mattresses with a large air compressor. This enabled me to blow mine up so much that it fell apart and spring a major leak (it would empty in 30 mins). So unfortunately my first night was spent sleeping on 4 pillows with a deflated air mattress providing a somewhat smooth surface.
The next day was spent buying a new air mattress for me to sleep on and shopping for some camera gear. Unfortunately Adrian was working throughout the day, so as soon as he got off of work (4:30pm), we headed back to his place and picked him up and went out for a drive. We went to see a lake thingo and walked out on a pontoon, saw the beach, jumped up and down on the pontoon causing it to rock, it was good. We then headed back to Mount Gambier, rented some DVDs and watched them. I must say, the improved air mattress was a godsend.
The next day was pretty similar. We went for a little drive into Mount Gambier, found a
sinkhole (
full size pic). It was pretty good, There was a well kept garden in the bottom of a 20 meter hole. Fortunately we could walk all the way down to the bottom (unlike some of the other sink holes which are just rocky holes that you can walk up to the edge of, although ths one did have
some rocky bits).
Adrian then got off of work, so we decided to head over to
Victoria for some Absinthe (we saw a movie which had some and my friends were of the opinion that it cannot be bought in South Australia, but can be bought in Victoria). Anyway when we approached the border we came across a whole heap of Victorian police doing random breath testing on the border (as in 30 cm from the border). Anyway we found out that country Victorian pubs do not have it.
On our way back into South Australia we stoped at this nice stake place “the Barn Stake House”. They had very nice stake, it tasted good and was well cooked. On offer was a 1 KG stake for $25, although I had a 400 g rump stake for $21. Whist there I made the “comment of the trip”, see, my friends commented on the ass of one of the waitresses I let out the statement “Geeze, that’ll stain my pants”, as it happned I was referring to me spilling salad dressing on them, not anything to do with the girls ass ;-)
After that we drove into Mount Gambier and visited the police station. It was an interesting experience, we looked through the cells, I had my finger prints taken, and was hand cuffed. Although the police station was quite new, I would never want to visit it as a bad person ;-)
We then went and hired some more DVDs and watched them. And went to sleep again.
On Saturday we woke up early and headed into Victoria. We could not decide what to do when we were there, so we decided in the end to drive to the
Grampians and have a look. So we drove to them, and decided to drive a little into them to have a look. We came across a road heading into their direction from the main highway, turned off and drove along a dirt road (Glenelg creak road to be exact).
The dirt road went for quite a distance (I think about 150 KM in total, so we decided to travel down a “track”. After a couple of KM, multiple big rocks hitting the bottom of the car quite hard, and coming across a creak we came to the opinion that “tracks” were really meant for 4 wheel drives, so we crawled our way back.
Anyway, we continued along the original dirt road for quite a while. In the end we managed to travel the complete distance through the Grampians, entering in the south western corner and exiting through the north eastern corner.
We then managed to wok our way back into mount Gambier, getting back very late, watched some more DVDs and went to sleep.
We then woke up, packed up and headed back to Adelaide, soping via some
smelly lake wetlands thingy with a boardwalk out into a bee infested lookout hut.
It was nice to see adrian, he is struggeling a little. He only had a
card table and fold out chairs for furniture, but that what you get wen you move out on your own for the first time. I wish Adrian the best of luck in the police force! Hopefullly he will not have any more incidents with guns (He almost shot another policeman the other day, this can be added to his unauthorised repetitive firing of his gun on the police fireing range)
In all the trip was very fun, but exhausting for me as I was the only one allowed to drive (although I am sure my friends would have made better driving candidates, they seamed to criticise my driving allot).
In total we travelled 1700 KM and spent $220 on fuel (which my dads work paid for, yay!!!)
Anyhoo, Cheerio :-D