30 May 2005


Life is sooo crap at the moment!!!! :-(

Although at least I can look forward to this weekend when the crappiness will be over and i will be free from a heap of uni work.

22 May 2005

My Week


Well, this week was better than I expected It would be. For my uni studies I had a meeting with my uni lecturer and my boss at my work placement which I was really dreading as it could have been very bad. Fortunately it went a whole heap better than I thought it would, So I’m very happy about that :-)

Last night I went to an 18th birthday party of a friend's (Alex's) girlfriend. I was amazed how young 18 year old people can be (I would have it a guess that there were some younger people there, so they may be the reason behind the youngness). I was also surprised at how sober people were, Although I don’t think I am that observant when looking at how drunk people are.. However It was a good party and I enjoyed myself :-)

I have a fair bit of uni work coming up In the next 2 weeks, so it most likely will be unhappy Owen for those weeks. Specifically I have:

  • To give 2 presentations,
  • Write a 4000 word report,
  • Write a 3000 word report, and
  • Do 10 weeks of weekly work for a subject.

In addition my sister is moving out of my house next weekend.

On another note, A spammer has got my email address and they’re sending out emails as if they were sent from me. This means as I am getting many bounce back emails informing me that the message cannot be delivered. Today I got 52 in a 1 minite period. However, in all I am getting about 200 emails per day :-( ohw ell.. At least this is not on my main email account.

I guess I better get back to my uni work. Have fun everyone!!


17 May 2005

Disorganisation = Super-Organisation

WOW, I am Excited..

I am usually a very organised person, however this year I have had a fair bit on my plate (Ok, to my standard) so I have not been organised much at all..

Well over the 2 past weeks this disorganisation has paid dividends..

Last week I realised that the weekend would be a long weekend. I was happy about that.

This week I discovered that uni is ending 1 week later than I thought it would, which is a good thing for me as I now have more time to do my uni assignments in. Also one of my subjects is therefore ending a week early.. I’m ecstatic.

Earlier on in the year I did not realise I was starting uni until the week before when a lecture had to remind me to rock up the next week..

So this disorganisation is good, as it has not resulted in any issues and has resulted into extensions and holidays :-D


Job loss

Last week I saw a person get told that their job will no longer exist. I was at a general meeting and I was sitting across a table from them.

Although I do not really like the person, I will remember the look on their face with sadness. Their pupils were extremely small and they no expression on their face. It was sad. Oh well, at least it was a learning experience.. I hope i dont have to eperience it again :-P

Chat soon… Cheerio…


09 May 2005

Web Cam


I am now the proud owner of a web camera. Why did I buy one I hear you ask, well I have always wanted one and a friend may have hinted that I should get one so, meh, that’s how I decided to get one... Well, what probably also contributed to this is that I found one quite cheap. Unfortunately the really cheap part means that the image goes all green sometimes. However I have worked out that this happens after I load up the cameras settings page. So if I do not try to alter the setting, the setting do nothing anyway, It works reasonably.

Ohwell It is fun I guess...

Last week I made my first ever $10 coaster. A dual layer DVD coaster ;-) I was sort of early onto the CD burning market, but not early enough to have issues with CD coasters... Well It looks like I am early enough to have issues with DVDs, although I have never had issues with single layer DVDs... I love being at the forefront of technology, however it costs heaps and you get low quality stuff, whereas the people who get in late get high quality stuff cheap… Ohwell…


01 May 2005

Present Giving

Life has been pretty good recently!!

I don’t really have much to say,

My work has been pretty good, I am enjoying it and I am now getting to the business end of my placement. I only have until the 3rd of June to the last day of my placement.

I have made what I belive to be an interesting observation, when people give presents (I observed this at a birthday party) they tend to explain the gift. I have to admit I do this as well.

I find this very interesting, are people doing this out of the fear of rejection of their present, in which case they explain the gift to ensure the receiver values the gift; do they explain it to tell a fun story; do they explain it as they are proud of the present and they wish to demonstrate their excitement; or is there another explanation behind why people do this…. I would recommend you look for this in the future, I find it quite funny…

Oh well, Cheerio!!