28 November 2004

Pub Crawl

Hi, I suppose I should update you with my life to this point in time. For the much awaited BIS end of year pub crawl it was very hot. Stupid me decided to dress up so I would not be excluded from entering any pubs / clubs due to my attire, well jeans and a long sleeve shirt are not fun on a 35 degree day!

I therefore decided to cool myself down with beer, Mistake 2. Unfortunately not many of the third year people turned up, the people I know allot, however it was still a good time. The forth year people are very friendly, and talkative. In addition I got to speak to a couple of lectures that made appearances. Kudos must go to Bec who stayed for the long haul.

One freaky thin that I found out on the pub crawl is that my Swimming coach when I was 10 ish, Jamie, is the brother of Jess L (pictured in above link). The embarrassing thing is that I named a fish after her brother. Unfortunately the fish died, of fin rot, a couple of days after buying it.

Due to my over consumption of alcohol I left at the early, missing out on a couple of hours with everyone.

Okies, the obligatory what’s next, well I may have a job on the line. I’ll keep you posted about that. Cheerio

25 November 2004

End of Uni :D

YAY, On Tuesday I finished my last exam for the semester (well, my only exam of the year) and have therefore finished all my work for my degree. So, pending on passing I have finished uni. However I will be back at uni in a masters mode next year..... so the celebrations have not been put in full gear.

I quite enjoyed my exam, I had already passed the subject and all the marks in my exam were just bonus marks towards a higher grade. This said, I was still freaking out a little, but that’s just me :P

Banks, I am finding them very annoying at the moment. In a previous post I mentioned that I went to get a visa and was not able to get one without having some money in my account. Well yesterday I rang up just to check if this money was a "qualification balance” or a "minimum account balance” and I find out there is no such thing at all, the teller was misleading me. Dam Banks!!!

Another problem I had with another bank, was them imposing a $5 a month account fee on one of my accounts if I did not have any "customer initiated transactions" on it for 6 months strait. Well just to spite them I transferred over 5 cents to avoid the fee (I get free money transfers). So to avoid $60 in fees per year all I have to do is transfer 10 cents. Stupid banks…

On yet another negative note I have given up on trying to help people who send me their usernames and passwords. Overall I only ever got 1 reply from the people I tried to help, in addition the persons reply was not very informative. From the requests, for names changes, I have received so far I have determined that either a Big pond staff member who installs broadband, or the CD that Big pond use to help people install broadband are telling people to e-mail me. Oh well.

To end this post on a positive note…. I, along with reverend timothy, the 3rd year and 4th year BIS students will be going along to an end of year BIS get together.... Although this get-together should be informal. I am looking forward to this.

Cheerio everyone, I’ll catch up with you’ll soon. Hopefully in the future my blogs will be more positive :D Let's Mob Bob!!!

19 November 2004

Username Mark 2

Well it's almost been just over 2 days from when I replied to the person who sent me their username and password (see previous post). Finally someone has replied! :D I have replied to 2 other emails from other people who believe I am Telstra support and overall only one has replied. All I have to say is people are ungrateful, or extremely embarrassed.

From the persons reply it seams as if someone working at Telstra is giving out my e-mail address for people to change their usernames, oh well with a little more persistence I might be able to find out who it is and whoop their ass. Never fear I'll tell you when something noteworthy happens.

Over the last couple of days I have had my hair cut, bought new shoes, have studied in at uni and have been swooped by a magpie in at uni. I have also had to move my room around again (I originally moved it around on Tuesday) as I have found out it is a sin in my house to have a bed in front of a window, I'm not sure what other peoples thoughts on this arrangement would be?????

Cheerio people, I'll be catching up with you?ll soon!

17 November 2004

Username Perils


Ok for those of you don’t know I like to think of myself as an internet pioneer, well I first had the internet at home in November 1996.

When my family first signed up to the internet my brother and I were reading the pamphlet we got from On Australia (A partnership between Telstra and Microsoft which broke up and became BigPond). In the pamphlet it stated "Your email address will be username@onaustralia.com.au", we decided to take this literally, as a joke. (Yes we knew we were meant to choose a username and replace the "username" part of the e-mail address with the one we chose, but we could not resist being complete tools. Fortunately due to our early entry to the internet this username was available, so we became username@onaustralia.com, and later on got the Bigpond and Telstra domain equivalents.

Having this email address was a really good novelty, especially when ringing up for tech support. The poor person on the end of the phone would get quite flustered by me trying to tell them my username is “username” and the support person believing that I don’t know what a username is. (A hint for all of the username buddies out there, spell it to them letter by letter)

Anyway, the novelty wore off when I started getting lots of emails from people and especially wore off when mass mailing worms and Trojans hit the scene. At this point in time I was getting a couple of hundred 100K payload emails per day. Bigpond were no help in solving this issue at all so to solve this I did not check my mail anymore.

A couple of months back I received an e-mail from one of my lectures telling me that I could use the universities Symantec Corporate Virus Scanner for free. This, coupled with the fact that I have DSL with ample reaming usage allowance to spare, meant that I can now download all of my mail and have my virus scanner delete all of the e-mails with viruses in them. (Yes I have tried other virus scanners, but they are so obtrusive and don’t do everything in the background like Symantec does)

Now the latest fun thing that is happening to me is that I am getting multiple (about 30 so far) e-mails from Bigpond customers who have just got broadband and want to have a simular email addresses to their dialup accounts. Now a couple of these emails have contained with people’s usernames AND PASSWORDS! How stupid can people be!

Up to this point in time I have just been ignoring these e-mails, however tonight I received this email (particulars removed):

"I would like to retain my old dial-up user name ********@bigpond.com and have a password of ********

Have installed Broadband today using username ******** and password *********

When requesting installation kit I indicated that my wife's computer would be a subset of mine as it was on dial up and agreed to the extra fee. Does her username need to be changed? which is currently ******** and password *********. Thankyou, *********."

After a while I decided to reply to this email telling the sender of the fact that I am not Bigpond tech support and they should not be sending out their password and username to a complete stranger. I cannot wait to find out what happens!!! In the hour that has passed I have received about a dozen virus e-mails but no reply. I'll keep you all posted with the results.

16 November 2004

Mundane Nothing


Not much has happened over the last couple of days for me.

I have not had my hair cut , nor have I studied. One thing I have done is to re arrange my bedroom so I have more space.

I have also added some links to my blog.. Reverend Timothy is a link to a crazy uni friends website which links off to his blog. In addition I'd Tap That is an offspring site of Tim's which features your's truly. Bilby's Blog is a blog of one of lecturers from uni, however at the moment his server is down :(

I might add some other links later on, however for the time being those should suffice.

So what’s on the plan for the next couple of days..... Well I’m thinking of getting a hair or 2 cut tomorrow before going out in the night. Thursday is a definite get together at uni to do some study group thing for my one and only one exam for Distributed systems. After I finish that exam I will be free!!!

14 November 2004

The Start

Hi, Sorry about the long time since my last post...

The reason for this long wait is that this was never intended to be a blog. I wanted to comment on a friends blog, However he only allowed registered users to blog :( I was forced into getting this blog, however I had no intention to actually use it. Since then I have received multiple requests to either update my blog, or get a blog, so after much contemplation I have decided to actively use this blog.

Currently I’m finishing off my university degree at UniSA. All I have left for this year is one exam on the 23rd of November. After that I will then be eligible to graduate, well all pending on my passing of my current subjects. Since I don’t have much uni work to do since finishing the contact phase of the semester (when I had 3 other subjects to do as well) I have been surfing the internet, Going out at night and spending some time in at uni.

One cool thing I have decided to do is set up a bank account with BankSA so I can get a Visa without getting a job. Unfortunately after giving my details, setting up my account, signing on the dotted line etc etc... the guy behind the bank counter declares that I have to have a couple of hundred of dollars in my account before they'll give me the visa :( So that will happen soon, but not right now.

Over the next week I’m thinking about getting the shagpile, which is my hair, cut. Also I might go for a couple of rides on my bike and maybe even go swimming, I really do need to get fit. I also have to do a bit of revision for uni, I suppose we will see what happens......